Livepatch yes n/a Canonical Livepatch service This machine is now attached to 'UA Infra - Essential (Virtual)'Ĭis yes disabled Center for Internet Security Audit ToolsĮsm-infra yes enabled UA Infra: Extended Security Maintenance (ESM)įips-updates yes n/a Uncertified security updates to FIPS modules You should see output like the following, indicating that you have successfully associated this machine with your account. You will log in with your SSO credentials, the same credentials you use for. Attach the UA client (not needed for Ubuntu PRO) Once you have verified your client, you will need to attach it to your UA account.
$ sudo apt install ubuntu-advantage-tools Confirm you have the latest Ubuntu Advantage client which is equal to or greater than version 27. The UA client is installed through apt and is present on all Ubuntu Server images. Keep reading if you want more detailed instructions, or have questions Installing the UA client
To access ESM, either attach your existing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS machine via the UA client command line or launch an Ubuntu PRO 16.04 image which already has ESM enabled. Working with specific services Extended Security Maintenance (ESM)

There are two primary flavors of Ubuntu PRO images in clouds: On first boot, Ubuntu PRO images will automatically attach to an Ubuntu Advantage support contract and enable necessary security and support out of the box so that no extra setup is required to ensure a secure and supported Ubuntu machine. Ubuntu PRO premium images are published to AWS, Azure and GCP which come with Ubuntu Advantage support and services built in. See for more details on the various UA services.
This simplifies access to UA Services and allows access to UA services for all users of Ubuntu with a free tier of service. The UA client provides users a command-line interface with a single point to access all UA services. Features supported depend on the specific LTS release as they do or do not apply. The client is available for all Ubuntu LTS releases as well as premium Ubuntu PRO cloud images on AWS, Azure and GCP.
The Ubuntu Advantage (UA) client is a tool designed to automate access to UA services like Extended Security Maintenance (ESM), CIS, FIPS, Livepatch and more.